(Originally published in Kansas Country Living November 2024)

The 4 Rivers Electric Cooperative Board of Trustees will hold an open hearing on modifications to be discussed and voted on relating to two tariffs: (1) Service Fees Rate Schedule and (2) Net Metering Rider. This hearing is in conjunction with the regularly scheduled board of trustees meeting at 6 p.m., Nov. 11, 2024, at 4 Rivers Electric Cooperative, Inc., 2731 Milo Terr., Lebo.

Proposed changes to the Service Fees Rate Schedule tariff include updating some of the fees, removing Meter Reading Fee, adding a line for the EMP Meter Socket Protection Device, and a line for Meter Test Charge.

Proposed changes to the Net Metering Rider include a change to the formula for the solar allowed to be installed, a change to the maximum allowed for non-commercial solar, installation of a battery storage system will move the account to the Parallel Generation Rider Tariff (Rider-02), and the overall maximum allowed generation on the cooperative system to use the lower of the prior year’s peak or a rolling five-year average.

Any and all rates are subject to review by the Kansas Corporation Commission upon petition pursuant to state law.

Proposed Service Fees Rate Schedule [SERVICE FEES]

Proposed Net Metering Rider [RIDER-01 (NMR)]