Our board of trustees is comprised of nine representatives from across 4 Rivers Electric Cooperative’s territory. The trustees meet monthly to discuss cooperative business. The board is elected from the membership by the membership.
Larry Felts, President - District 3

Larry Felts, President - District 3
Larry and his wife, Ruth, reside west of Liberty. They have three grown children, Kristi, Kelly, and Tommy, and eight grandchildren. Larry is a grain and livestock producer and partners with his brother Richard to operate Felts Farms, raising corn, wheat and soybeans, along with a cow-calf herd. Larry is a graduate of Field-Kindley High School and Kansas State University with a bachelor's degree in animal science and industry. Larry is vice chairman of the Liberty United Methodist Church Administrative Board, treasurer of Montgomery County Rural Fire District #1 Fire Fighters Relief Association, a member of the Liberty Division of Montgomery County Rural Fire District #1, and past member of the Montgomery County Local Emergency Planning Committee. Larry also chairs Verdigris Drainage District #3. He served 15 years on Radiant Electric's board and is proud to be a part of the founding board of 4 Rivers Electric, serving as board president since 2023. Larry obtained NRECA Credentialed Cooperative Director certification, Board Leadership certification and Director Gold credential.
Stacy Heins, Vice President - District 2

Stacy Heins, Vice President - District 2
Stacy and her husband, Travis, live on a small farm in Olpe. She has been a teacher at USD 244 Burlington since 2001. She is a member of Ebenezer Methodist Church in Olpe. She enjoys spending time with her three children: Marley, Darren, and Kinley. She appreciates the opportunity to serve the cooperative as a board trustee and enjoys the relationships she has built as a representative. Stacy has received her certification as NRECA Credentialed Cooperative Director and has served as the Board Vice-President since 2023.
Warren Schmidt, Secretary - District 2

Warren Schmidt, Secretary - District 2
Warren was born in Lyon County and grew up in rural Hartford. He and his wife, Sharon, have two sons and six grandchildren. His background is in crop land, dairy, swine, cattle feeding, and market lambs. Warren currently works for Prairieland Partners John Deere in Emporia, where he has been in sales for 26 years, as well as many other capacities. He also operates their family's third-generation farm with row crop and a cow-calf operation. Warren has served on the co-op board since 2013 and has NRECA certification for Credentialed Cooperative Director and Board Leadership. He was elected as board secretary in 2023.
Loren Dickens, Treasurer - District 3

Loren Dickens, Treasurer - District 3
Loren grew up on a farm outside of Neodesha. He and his wife, Cindy, live in rural Cherryvale and attend Grace Baptist Church in Neodesha. They have three children and four grandchildren. Loren, Cindy, and all three of their children are graduates of Kansas State University. Loren graduated from the College of Veterinary Medicine in 1983 and continues to practice at Neodesha Animal Care Clinic. Previously, Loren served on the board of Radiant Electric Cooperative as Vice President, then as President. He has also served as alternate trustee on the board of Kansas Electric Cooperative (KEC) and as a board trustee on the co-op's insurance provider (Federated Rural Electric Insurance Exchange), ultimately serving as the board's treasurer. Loren obtained the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) Director certification, Board Leadership certification, and Director Gold credentials and was elected board treasurer in 2023. Loren considers it an honor to serve the cooperative members of 4 Rivers Electric.
Tom Ayers, Trustee - District 3

Tom Ayers, Trustee - District 3
Tom and his wife, Alana, reside in rural Altoona. They have four children and seven grandchildren. He retired in 2008 as a rural mail carrier with 30 years of service. He taught math in the Fredonia USD 484 school district for six years while also serving in Kansas National Guard (1969-76). Tom has served as a board member of his church, school, County Conservation, state Young Farmers and Ranchers and Wilson County Farm Bureau. He is still a Farm Bureau Crop Specialist agent with 38 years serving farmers. He is certified as an NRECA Credentialed Cooperative Director, Board Leadership, and Director Gold Credentialed and also serves as 4 Rivers’ alternate delegate to the KEPCo Board of Directors.
Randall "Randy" Bunnel, Trustee - District 2

Randy Bunnel, Trustee - District 2
Randy is a third-generation farmer located south of Welda in Anderson County. He raises corn, soybeans, wheat and hay and has a cow-calf herd. He serves as the chief of the Welda station of Anderson County Fire Dept. Randy's hobbies include tinkering in the shop, attending school activities and Facetiming with his daughter and grandson. His wife, Betsy, is employed by USD #365 Garnett as a Reading Recovery teacher and assistant principal. Randy has completed NRECA certifications for Credentialed Cooperative Director, Board Leadership and the Director Gold Credential.
Robert Converse, Trustee - District 1

Robert Converse, Trustee - District 1
Robert joined the Lyon Coffey Electric Cooperative Board in 1996, serving as president from 2010-2019 and as vice-president of the 4 Rivers Board until 2022. He also served as the co-op’s delegate on Kansas Electric Power Cooperative's (KEPCo) board from 2016-2020. Robert has completed NRECA certifications for Credentialed Cooperative Director, Board Leadership and has earned the Director Gold Credential.
He continues to farm and ranch with his family in Harveyville, Kansas. His wife, Diana, and daughters, Millicent and Kaytlyn, share his love of country life.
A.E. "Gene" Huston, Trustee - District 1

Gene Huston, Trustee - District 1
Gene and his wife, Janice, have two daughters. He is a Wichita State University graduate, retired from BNSF and resides in rural Americus. Currently, he is a part time local pastor at the United Methodist churches of Hartford and Neosho Rapids. He is a 40+ year resident of northern Lyon County and a 30+ year member of the cooperative, serving on the board since 2011. Gene has received certification for NRECA Credentialed Cooperative Director, Board Leadership and the Director Gold Credential.
David Kunkel, Trustee - District 1

David Kunkel - District 1
David has been a cooperative member for over fifty years. He and his wife, Connie, have three grown children: Jerry, Kristi, and Jennifer, and eight grandchildren. David worked for the US postal service for 23 years as a rural mail carrier, retiring several years ago. They reside on and operate the farm where he grew up southeast of Waverly and maintain a small cow herd. He attended Independence Junior College and Emporia State University. David has received NRECA certification for Credentialed Cooperative Director, Board Leadership and the Director Gold Credential.