Nomination by Petition FAQs

Interested in serving your district as a 4 Rivers Electric Cooperative trustee? Review our frequently asked questions below and download your Candidate Packet here.

If I receive service in multiple board districts, in which district may I run for the board or serve as a trustee?

According to our bylaws, a trustee may only represent the district in which the trustee maintains his or her primary residence.

May I collect signatures for my petition or advertise at 4 Rivers Electric offices or facilities?

No. The collection of member signatures is not allowed on 4 Rivers Electric property to minimize distractions to members, employees and vendors conducting cooperative business. Candidates for trustee positions are also prohibited from advertising or otherwise conducting campaign activities on 4 Rivers Electric properties.

May a business, municipality or other legal entity that is a 4 Rivers Electric member run for a position on the board?

No. The bylaws state that a trustee must be an individual (natural person).

May a business, municipality or other legal entity that is a 4 Rivers Electric member sign a petition?

As long as the business or entity is a verifiable member of 4 Rivers Electric Co-op, an authorized representative for such entity may sign a petition.

If I’m seeking nomination, may I sign my own petition?


If a 4 Rivers Electric member has multiple meters, does his or her signature on a petition count as multiple signatures?

No. At least 20 verifiable individual members must sign a petition.

If my 4 Rivers Electric account is in my name only, may my spouse sign a petition as a member?


If my neighbors have a joint membership, may they each sign my petition separately?

No. Only one signature per membership will be counted on each petition.

Must every member who signs a petition receive 4 Rivers electric service in the district for which election is sought?

Yes. Members may only sign petitions for candidates seeking election in the signing member’s designated voting district. The designated voting district is the one associated with the member’s membership fee. Voting districts are printed on members’ monthly bills.

Can I obtain a list of members in my 4 Rivers Electric board district?

Yes. Per 4 Rivers Policy 110 – Disclosure of Cooperative Information, members seeking nomination may obtain a list of members within the 4 Rivers Electric board districts by filling out the necessary documentation in the candidate packet.

Do I have to use 4 Rivers Electric’s petition forms, or may I supply my own forms or résumé with the proper signatures and information?

To ensure the accuracy of all submitted information and fairness in the nomination process, you are required to use 4 Rivers Electric’s petition forms.

How quickly will 4 Rivers Electric verify the member signatures on my petition? If there is a problem with my petition, will I have time to correct it?

4 Rivers Electric will begin the verification process as soon as possible after the petition is received. Therefore, nominees are encouraged to submit their completed petitions as early as possible so that candidates may be notified of any verification problems and, if time permits, have a chance to correct any problems with the petition prior to the petition submission deadline.

Do I have to complete all portions of the application and petition to be considered as a candidate?


Can I mail or deliver my petition to my local 4 Rivers Electric office?

Per our bylaws, completed petitions must be delivered to the cooperative office at either Lebo or Fredonia no later than 4:00pm, Friday, December 30, 2022.

Can a member sign petitions for more than one nominee?

Yes, provided the nominees are in the member’s board district and the district in which the member’s voting residence is located.

Can I have more than 20 members sign my petition?

Yes. 4 Rivers Electric encourages members to obtain more than 20 signatures to account for possible signature verification issues.

Are incumbents required to follow the petition process in order to appear on the ballot?


How do you get approved on the ballot?

Only those members nominated by petition shall appear on the ballot. The ballot shall list the name(s) nominated by petition in the order received.

If I am approved for inclusion on the ballot as a qualified candidate by the board, am I able to use 4 Rivers Electric’s logo in my campaign materials?

No. 4 Rivers Electric Cooperative reserves all rights to its registered trademarks and logos and does not allow candidates to use the trademarks or logos for campaign purposes.

If I am approved for inclusion on the ballot as a qualified candidate by the board, may I campaign at 4 Rivers Electric offices or facilities?

No. 4 Rivers Electric property may not be used for campaigning purposes, and campaign materials are not allowed on 4 Rivers Electric facilities or vehicles.

When will voting occur?

In January, ballots will be mailed to the members in each district. Only the names of the nominees for such district shall be on the ballot. Returned and completed ballots must be postmarked or received at the Lebo office on or before February 20. The results will be announced at the Annual Meeting of Members to be held in March.